FALL KITCHEN DECORATE WITH ME – DECORATING IDEAS – natural, vintage, & French country inspired home

FALL KITCHEN DECORATE WITH ME – DECORATING IDEAS – natural, vintage, & French country inspired home


Hello, dear friends.

Welcome to my channel, Graceful Living! I appreciate you stopping by today. If you are new, please let me introduce myself, my name is Deena. I have been married to the love of my life for 30 years!!! We have two incredible and very handsome boys, a brand new beautiful daughter in love, and two little mischievous Boston Terrier girls. I love the Lord with all my heart and my channel and life are centered around Him. My videos are also focused on decorating around our home and of course caring for my precious family. I hope you enjoy today’s video and I would really appreciate it if you would consider becoming a part of our YouTube family by simply hitting that little red subscribe button. And, if you hit the little notification bell and the (ALL) button it will notify you each time I upload a new video Thank you again for taking the time to watch. I Would love to hear from you down below in the comment section that gives me a chance to say hello and to get to know you. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day. 🤍









🎼Music Credit🎶


A huge thank you to
JONNY EASTON ! Jonny, your music is simply amazing and I appreciate your generosity in letting us use it here on YouTube.


🎼 Inspirational Piano Music 🎼
(Songs are not in order and might not all be used in this particular video, but these are my favorites and I do use them often.)


On YouTube:

-Dreams 🤍(always my opening)
-Someday (My Absolute Favorite)
-Morning Walk▫️
-Genesis ▫️
-Flow of Life ▫️
-Don’t Look Back▫️
-Old Soul▫️
-Quiet Place▫️
-Until Tomorrow ▫️
-Soul Blossoms ▫️
-In Love We Trust▫️
-Love Story▫️
-The Little Things ▫️
-Only You
-If I Could Fly
-Soft Piano
-Something New▫️
-Moonlight Guides Me
-What The Heart Sees▫️
-Memories ▫️
-Follow The Light
-A Moment in Time▫️
-Road Less Traveled▫️
-First Dance▫️
-Sunshine Boulevard▫️
-Unknown Hero▫️
-Kiss The Sky
-What We Wish For▫️
-I Remember You ▫️
-Dreamland (with rain) ▫️
-Dreamland ▫️
-Dream Bird
-Hardest Choice ▫️
-Dream Bird
-Rise of the Flower
-Warming Light
-Forever Sunrise
-Moonlight Guides Me
-Lone Star
-Never Give Up
-Warming Light
-Rise Of The Flower


  1. So elegant and pretty❤ so happy your back to doing videos and sharing your beautiful home and decorating talent!!!

  2. Deena, Thank you so much for the fall decorating in your kitchen. Thanking God for the seasons and like changing my home to reflect them. It also helps keep me motivated to clean as I change the decor. Love the magnolia leaves; I use dried hydrangeas and other things from my garden to display too. So happy you are sharing your life with us!

  3. Your kitchen turned out beautiful. The use of magnolia leaves is genius! I to was contemplating why I feel the need to “refluff” my nest occasionally and you answered that in this video so sweetly. Thank you for the time and effort you put into these videos. I look forward to each and every one!

  4. Love your style. The magnolia leaves add such a nice touch. Love the analogy between decorating and God 🥰

  5. Like one other lady said lost for words other than to say Lord thank you for giving deene the talent you gave her. Thank you for sharing that with us ❤️

  6. I absolutely love it Deena ❤ And I thank you for your words you spoke because it’s so true. We reflect Christ in all that we do and our home is an extension of how He’s blessed us and should be a place we can open to others for hospitality. I love love love 💕 what you’ve said and done here. Just beautiful ❤

  7. Deena, thank you for your channel and for your suggestion to join you in reading one proverb each day this month. As I sit with my bible this morning I thank God for and pray for you and his word. Would like to say more but need to get ready to go to teach middle school!

  8. Deana once again you’ve done another great job! You are so incredibly gifted and talented and so appreciate your YouTube channel!

  9. Your kitchen turned out so pretty. I love how you reused items from years past along with the natural elements, most people do not get all new decor each year. I for one build on my decor each year with a new piece or two. Thank you for sharing and showing us that what we have can be used in a new way. God Bless and see you next week!!!

  10. Hi Deena, I just love how you take just a few items and create such beautiful and elegant decor. I absolutely love the long risers you made which I will definitely try to make. Thank you and God bless you.

  11. Every one please, please pray 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 for those families who lost their homes, friends,pets and way of life. Thank God for everything you have, family, friends, and your way of life.

  12. Thank you Deena for your videos. Such beautiful decor. Your ideas and creativity are so inspiring! God bless you sweet lady! God bless you and your family!

  13. Beautiful, beautiful Deena. You needn’t worry about what you’re going to do. It always comes together beautifully. Keep going Fall is looking great in your kitchen 😊❤

  14. Oh Deena the kitchen is lovely and reflection of your love of family and God. You are using the talents God gave you and sharing them with us.
    Love the pumpkin you painted and all the nature inspired elements.
    Thanks again for sharing your home.

  15. Thank your hubby for getting the magnolia for you, it’s beautiful. I love the organic quality next to the shelving and candles. I am so glad you have returned to YT. I hope you will continue to do the in store decorating vignettes at Hobby Lobby., so creative!

  16. Hi Deena, I just got home from dentist. Fun morning, lol. So happy to see your smiling face and watching you decorate. So, so lovely. Everything looks beautiful.
    Love the use of the magnolia leaves with that beautiful pumpkin. Kitchen so inviting. ❤🍁🍂

  17. I am so thankful that you came back to YouTube. Your comments always touch my heart.♥️ YouTube needs more Christian women to share homemaking and hopefully teach beginners. Your love for God, family, and people shows!! Thank you and may God bless you. Hopefully this want show up twice. My first comment went out into space??

  18. Dear Deena,
    Everything is so beautiful, the colours, the arrangements and the results are stunning
    Thank you so much for sharing

  19. I’m new to your channel and loved it thanks for sharing your beautiful home and you are so right about decorating and hosting and sharing our faith ❤🙏🇺🇸🪽

  20. Deena love your style of decorating wondering did you paint your basket? Also, can you show us how you decoupage your pumpkin love everything

  21. You never cease to amaze me in your decorating. Are the magnolia leaves just air dried? I think they are gorgeous. Everything you do is gorgeous. Gayle

  22. Hello Deena!!! Simply beautiful fall kitchen!!! I love the wood rizers you created!!! And the magnolias are so pretty!!! Until your next one take care and God bless friend 😊❤

  23. I completely agree with you regarding reflecting Christ in maintaining our homes. God bless you! Thank you for shining your light and being so inspirational.

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