1. realizing i passed through all these stages before 20 years of age and am now in a constant cycle between all the stages sounds actually insane

  2. I love how you tie spirituality into manifestation ideologies too! You are the perfect YouTuber for my beliefs! ❀

  3. You dont even know how much i needed to hear you right now. Ill try to sum this up as good and as fast as i can. My awakening happened in 2020. Went from hard core athiest to waking up one morning just knowing we are all spiritual beings, weird i know but it happened. Everything was going well, pretty normal feeling the connections and the LOVE around us and within us. Well a few weeks ago im not even sure how it happened but I watched an aliens are real video and i somehow convinced myself that the spirit world is just aleins controlling us and manipulating our world ys included and it really freaked me out. I kind of went down a rabbit hole of alex jones and joe rogan and i asked my guides "if yall are still here, if its really you and not some alien controlling me then please please send me a sign and remind me of who i am again. Let me remember that feeling and that spiritual connection." That was literally this morning. So i get on youtube and typed in spiritual awakening to try to get back into the higher vibration and remember and this video is the frst one i clicked on. I really needed to hear you speak about the rabbit hole thing, so im 100% convinced my guides led me to you. Thank you so so much you beautiful beautiful soul. But everyone, she is right! Do not go down these holes that will in deed bring you away from the light. Im not sure why it happened, but i wont do it again. Im actually crying typing this bc i thought i was lost again. ❀

  4. thank you so much for this. my perspective on so many things have been altered and this is only the first step. i have so much to learn about myself but im so excited

  5. Thanks for all of this great advice in this video πŸ™‚ I have a question though, if good and bad doesn’t exist then how does better and unacceptable exist?

  6. To say there is no good or bad does not inherently make sense. Then is there also no right or wrong? Where is the balance? Where is reason? Where is safety?

  7. thank you for this video! your words are very helpful and i truly plan to implement these changes. i’m glad i came across your channel, sending love πŸ’›

  8. Every belief can become limiting ( once you get something you would always want more )

    Don’t beat yourself up just take responsibility for the things you can’t see .

    It’s not about why the person did you don’t need to center people’s narrative.

    Be in your box

    Most important to me = you see in the world and in other people what you carry in your heart . Energy flowers where attention goes … Your consciousness is reflecting everything is you .

    Focus on your own evolution
    Learn on your own

  9. Wisdom definitely doesn’t come with age. I have been struggling in my spiritual journey, and I was listening to another channel and she is seasoned but she was a little to comical for me, and after typing in the search bar, ”spiritual journey” you popped up and after the first two tips I was sold. Then I got to 13 and I’m like damn sis. So thank you, thank you for creating this space for others to learn. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  10. Great video! I loved watching it. If you are interested in spiritualism, we will soon be publishing full audiobooks on our channel covering various topics related to spirituality, history, and culture πŸ’œ

  11. Is it me , are do I hear what ppl say when they don’t say none are I hear how they really feel after they say they want me are they mess with me

  12. Thanks for this I feel like I’m on a good journey I just need to heal fully I feel like I still have work to do until I feel at home within myself

  13. I’ve been nervous about experiencing my spiritual awakening. Specifically about seeing being etc. But I guess I need to put on my big girl panties and go through it like every one else.

  14. Dang I needed this video right now …. Crazy how you answering certain things I’m actually going thru rn β™₯️

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