CHRISTMAS HOME TOUR 2024 – A Christ Centered Christmas.

CHRISTMAS HOME TOUR 2024 – A Christ Centered Christmas.


Hello, dear friends! 🤍
Welcome to my channel, Graceful Living! I appreciate you stopping by today. If you are new, please let me introduce myself, my name is Deena. I have been married to the love of my life for 30 years!!! We have two incredible and very handsome boys, a brand new beautiful daughter in love, and two little mischievous Boston Terrier girls. I love the Lord with all my heart and my channel and life are centered around Him. My videos are also focused on decorating around our home and of course caring for my precious family. I hope you enjoy today’s video and I would really appreciate it if you would consider becoming a part of our YouTube family by simply hitting that little red subscribe button. And, if you hit the little notification bell and the (ALL) button it will notify you each time I upload a new video Thank you again for taking the time to watch. I Would love to hear from you down below in the comment section that gives me a chance to say hello and to get to know you. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day. 🤍
CHRISTMAS MUSIC – Thanks to YouTube Studio for making this music available for the holidays.
(*Permission granted by YouTube Studio to use in monitored video – No attribution was required at time of use.)
Home For The Holidays by Chris Haugen
Joy To The World by E’s Jammy Jams
Silent Night Instrumental Jazz by E’s Jammy Jams
Christmas Chores by RKVC
Amazing Grace by Cooper Cannell

Canon and Variation
Twin Musicom
Canon and Variation by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Bethlehem – Christmas by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Angels We Have Heard – Christmas by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.






🎼Music Credit🎶


A huge thank you to
JONNY EASTON ! Jonny, your music is simply amazing and I appreciate your generosity in letting us use it here on YouTube.

🎼 Inspirational Piano Music 🎼
(Songs are not in order and might not all be used in this particular video, but these are my favorites and I do use them often.)


On YouTube:

-Dreams 🤍(always my opening)
-Someday (My Absolute Favorite)
-Morning Walk▫️
-Genesis ▫️
-Flow of Life ▫️
-Don’t Look Back▫️
-Old Soul▫️
-Quiet Place▫️
-Until Tomorrow ▫️
-Soul Blossoms ▫️
-In Love We Trust▫️
-Love Story▫️
-The Little Things ▫️
-Only You
-If I Could Fly
-Soft Piano
-Something New▫️
-Moonlight Guides Me
-What The Heart Sees▫️
-Memories ▫️
-Follow The Light
-A Moment in Time▫️
-Road Less Traveled▫️
-First Dance▫️
-Sunshine Boulevard▫️
-Unknown Hero▫️
-Kiss The Sky
-What We Wish For▫️
-I Remember You ▫️
-Dreamland (with rain) ▫️
-Dreamland ▫️
-Dream Bird
-Hardest Choice ▫️
-Dream Bird
-Rise of the Flower
-Warming Light
-Forever Sunrise
-Moonlight Guides Me
-Lone Star
-Never Give Up
-Warming Light
-Rise Of The Flower


  1. Just beautiful. It’s cozy, Inviting, comfortable, simply gorgeous.
    Wish you and your loving family a Merry and joyful Christmas and a happy New Year

  2. You decorate everything so beautifully…I always see you as an interior designer full of the love of Jesus! Your video’s always brighten my day! Wishing you and your family a very blessed Holiday Season and a bright and prosperous New Year!❤💚❤💚❤💚

  3. Beautiful so glad you are in the spirit of our Lord and Savior! Some may don’t believe but one day they will. Thanks for your service. Also for raising a good family. May God bless y’all and have a wonderful Christmas 🙏🙏🙏🥰

  4. Merry Christmas Deena, I am just in awe when I watch your videos and listen to your precious stories that draw me into your heart and life. You are a true blessing and inspiration for decorating and design. Your full heart fills mine with love. It is the message of Christ and how He uses what you do to share His love for people and what He did to share Himself with the world. Blessings and I look forward to seeing more Graceful Living in the New Year ❤😊

  5. Your home is just stunning. I love the Christ led decor, i love the little village as well. My Mom had a village and when she passed, i got what i could.

  6. Deena we are so blessed to have you in our lives. Your home is so so beautiful. I love your style of decorating. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. Love you my friend!!!

  7. Wow my dear friend, this is one of your best videos, you have been very busy, I loved every tuch of decoration you have made, thank you so much for the house tour, I enjoyed every second of it,
    Merry Christmas and a very happy new year
    🌲💘 🌲💘 🌲

  8. Beautiful home tour. It focused on the true meaning of Christmas. All of the Nativities were perfectly placed throughout the home. What a blessing! Merry Christmas to your family.

  9. We have several Nativities our oldest being one we received as a wedding present 42 years ago to a hand knitted one done by great aunt for my first son , one hand made by my boys and a few bought on trips all over the world they are displayed every year all over the house and for friends and family over the season often linger over one or other of then in quiet reflection
    You never fail to inspire and delight in everything you do

  10. Hi Deena. You home is beautiful. Thank you for showing it to us. Thank you for your Service. We are stationed over here in Germany and close to retirement. All the best to you and your Family. Frohe Weihnachten.

  11. Deena, what a beautiful tour! You have created such a wonderful space full of special memories and emphasis on the true meaning of CHRISTmas. You have some very unique and beautiful nativities. My favorite one is the coffee table nativity, so beautiful and such a statement. Everything was so lovely, the livingroom tree was quite beautiful! Love everything you did, your home is lovely! Merry Christmas to you and your family. 🎄 Looking forward to seeing you again next year! (Love to be able to say that 😊) May God Bless you and family!

  12. Hello Dear! Since this morning your video was recommended by YouTube, but it didn’t let me to watch it (Maybe my WiFi)…The thing is I tried 5 times finally I am here around midnight 🥴 watching and Enjoying your beautiful home decorated for Christmas. You gave me a special gift with this tour. I wish you a Merry Christmas with your beautiful family and a blessed year 2025.

  13. It’s all lovely! You make black look elegant. Your Christmas decor is so peaceful and meaningful. Beyond the season. Best wishes to you and yours.

  14. Hi Deena, What a wonderful Christmas home tour with the focus on the true reason for the season. I not only appreciate you welcoming us into your home; I also appreciate the heartfelt message you shared with us. May God bless you, Ronnie, and your family this Christmas and always. Enjoy the holidays and I’ll see you in 2025. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  15. Thank you for the tour of your beautiful home. I especially appreciated your focus on the true meaning of Christmas – our dear Savior’s birth. Praying your Christmas is blessed and filled with joy and happiness.

  16. I’m thankful for you!!! You are a bright and shining star Blessed 🙌 Hands… I just love the Christmas house tour, your personal touch. The Lord is my life, I’m blessed to retire TODAY!!! Merry Christmas 🎁 and Happy New Year to you and the family.Blessings!!!

  17. Deena. Your home is so beautiful! You really know how to decorate and make your home cozy. So lovely! Have a blessed Christmas and all your family- God bless them too! Your home is so magical and beautiful!

  18. Just beautiful. I’ve always admired your bedroom drapes with I believe a French script. Are custom made? made?

  19. I love your home and Christmas decorations, especially the Nativities. I have a few nativities, and I love them. I just got to see your video tonight and want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God bless.

  20. So beautiful! Love the focus on Jesus. Your words are so heartfelt and touching. Thank you for what you bring in each video.

  21. A beautiful home honoring our Savior. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your home and the beauty of of God’s amazing gift of Jesus❤❤❤

  22. Beautiful home! I love how you arranged that beautiful cabinet in the entryway and the Advent countdown. You can truly see that Christ is at the center of your home and as he should be in all our homes. The village brought a tear to my eyes as I’ve heard you tell the story of the village pieces. So glad your son and his wife have part of it in their home. I miss my parents so much and they both loved Christmas. That’s a pretty puzzle on your table. I love puzzles and have been working on one that has give me a fit. It came from Hobby Lobby and it’s the one that has all the Christmas sheet music on it. It might be ready by next Christmas. 🙂 You all have a wonderful Christmas and we will see you in the new year. 🙏🤶🏻🎄♥️

  23. Your home is beautiful from the entry to the last space shown. Though we have never met in person I feel as though you are one of my best friends. You welcome each of us into your home each week and it always feels so personal!! Your Christ centered Christmas seems to be the perfect decor theme, I just love it!!!! Merry Christmas and enjoy your holidays. See you the first of the year!!! ❤

  24. Oh Deena, just when I think you can’t do better at decorating, you knock it out of the ballpark again. Your 2024 Christmas Home Tour is one of elegance, peace, love, beauty, and the warm feeling of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Your love for your husband and family shines through in every inch of your beautiful home. May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! 🎄❤

  25. Loved everything and so glad you’re back on YouTube. May God continue to bless you and your family in this new year❤️🙏

  26. This is lovely. I’m so grateful God brought you back to us on YouTube! I’m just seeing you again lately and wanted to let you know YOU were missed while away. Look forward to many more blessing from your home to ours. Sincerely 💞

  27. Absolutely beautiful ❤️!! I’ve never watched a Christmas home tour like this one before, it’s my new favorite!! Jesus is the real reason we celebrate this season!! Thanks for sharing your home with us!! I hope you & your family have a very Merry Christmas!!

  28. I’ve never seen so many beautiful nativities. Most that I see have weird facial expressions. Your home is always perfect!

  29. Deena. Your home is so beautiful! You really know how to decorate and make your home cozy. So lovely! Have a blessed Christmas and all your family- God bless them too! Your home is so magical and beautiful!

  30. Sorry but I wanted to say I feel so blessed when I watch you and I know that God’s spirit is shining thru you. Curious where the shelf came from on your island?

  31. Thank you for your beautiful video of your amazing home and for remembering what Christmas is truly about after losing my son I was so mad at God for not saving my son who loved God so much. But after getting a hold on my grief I realized what a gift God had given me my son brought me back to church. Anyway I’m sorry for going on and on. Thank you so much. I truly enjoyed your video so much. God grant you and your family many blessings.


  32. Please tell your husband, THANK YOU FOR HIS SERVICE! I absolutely LOVE the patriotic tree! I also love the nativity collections! Frankly, I love what you did to your beautiful home!

  33. r.Your home is beautiful! Thank your husband for his service! May I ask where the globe ornament on his tree came from? My husband is a Army Vetreran and I try to find different ornaments every year. Have a blessed Christmas!

  34. Just found you and what a blessing you are.God has blessed me with finding so many Christian utubers.God is good. I am looking forward to following your videos in The coming year.God bless and Merry Christmas 🎄

  35. Hello Deena ☺️. What an absolutely beautiful Christmas Home Tour 🎄. Thank you for opening up your home to us and Blessings to you and yours 🙏🏻🤍

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