Comb Painting Technique / Acrylic Painting / Walking in the Rain
How to draw paint with acrylic.
Jay Lee is a painting youtuber. He paints a beautiful world on canvas, and share painting videos for people all over the world.
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❖ Music
Kiss the Sky – Aakash Gandhi
Meditation Impromptu by Kevin MacLeod
❖ Contacts
E-mail : tkstoryman@hotmail.com
It is a mazy!!!
So bwutifool!!
Mind-blowing art. 👏👏👏
I like it
Very nice painting
потрясающие работы, смотрю как загипнотизированная)) не могу глаз оторвать, как будто погружаешься в то волшебство что написал художник❤ своеобразный релакс при просмотре, отключается от реальности
шедевр!! безумно красиво!! ❤
, very beautiful ❤️❤️❤️🎨🖌️
Q hermoso… pense al principio q era como un arroyo algo asi y resulto ser una calle con lluvia…❤
Very nice ❤❤❤
I never seen a painting get finger waves before but I love it!!
Das ist toll❤
Absolutely incredible. The items that were used blew me away.
Hi which size canvas and what size paintbrushes or can you use any
Nice painting 😍😍😍😍
Simplesmente maravilhosa pintura , divina. Amei ❤❤🎉👏👏👏👏👏👏💗
Nossa que perfeição!!! Muito lindo amei
Thankyou lee lovely painting
Magnifique splendide 😮😮😮❤❤❤
The beat sound sumin like… "I would never find another lover, as sweet than you ❤
❤ Master ❤❤❤
Soooo talented. Very beautiful 😍
Можно было и так оставить (до 35сек) 😊
Fantástico!!! quem sabe, sabe
Amazing love it!❤🎉
🎉wonderful, superb, fantastic❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉God bless the creator
Gente nota máxima das máximas ❤🎉🎉🙋♀️
Очень круто
Не могу оторваться от просмотра 👍
Amazing 👍👍👍💕💕💕
I definitely want to give it a try!
🌟🌟🌟🌟👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 fantastique ♥️♥️♥️
Súper hermoso, felicidades excelente trabajo una pintura que transmite paz tranquilidad y una guia de elaboración súper genial. Desde Venezuela bendiciones
Very nice and fantastic painting 🎨
Wão que lindo 😮😊
What a creative art. This needs Patience, concentration and unique tecnic mixed with beautiful disply. 👏👏👏👏
Beautiful work!!
Magnifiques trop beaux impressionnant
Soo Beautiful I love it 😍
What did you painting the housing for the light if you were only gonna cover it up…?? 😩
Looking forward to doing this
Mind blowing 🤗 brilliant drawing
امي تحب رسمك❤ – كل الحب من العراق
So relaxing to watch! Excellent job