Forgiving What You Can’t Forget | Lysa TerKeurst | Elevation Church

Forgiving What You Can’t Forget | Lysa TerKeurst | Elevation Church

Forgiveness is God’s provision to heal.

In “Forgiving What You Can’t Forget,” Lysa TerKeurst shares how to stop reducing your life down to the limitations of living hurt and move toward the freedom found only through forgiveness.

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0:00 – Forgiving What You Can’t Forget
2:33 – My Journey With Forgiveness
5:35 – I Never Thought This Would Happen
7:59 – When It’s Hard To Get Out Of Bed
11:17 – Waiting For An Apology
13:34 – You Deserve To Stop Suffering
15:44 – Fact & Impact
19:15 – How Should We Pray
21:28 – Start Your Day Like This
23:52 – An Example In Genesis 4
26:32 – You Don’t Have To Live Hurt
28:22 – Why Am I Struggling And They Aren’t?!
31:07 – The Best Time To Forgive
34:53 – Stop Reducing Your Life Down
37:22 – This Declaration Is For You

Scripture References:
Matthew 6, verses 9-14
Genesis 4, verses 2-7
Ephesians 4, verses 26-32
Galatians 6, verses 7-8
Esther 7, verse 10
Romans 12, verses 19-21

#elevationchurch #forgivingwhatyoucantforget #lysaterkeurst #forgiveness #trauma #healing #restoration #hurt #pain #forgive #summer #stevenfurtick #faith #hope #church

Elevation Worship and Steven Furtick recently released “All of a Sudden.” You can listen to it wherever you get your music and while you’re there you can listen to other music from Elevation Worship’s album “Can You Imagine?” like “Praise,” “Trust In God,” “Been So Good,” and “Jehovah.” Elevation Worship is the musical expression of Elevation Church, led by pastor and visionary Steven Furtick. They have been steadily writing, recording, and releasing music since the church was founded more than 15 years ago in Charlotte, N.C. The ministry now has multiple locations throughout the US and Canada.

Forgiving What You Can’t Forget | Lysa TerKeurst | Elevation Church


  1. I wonder why this happened to me. How one person could treat another do bad and see nothing wrong. Then at the same time speak of the injustices that they endured! I tried to love and take less and hope that he’d change. Never did never will. You’re right, I have to forgive the act and the impact. Also ask for forgiveness and bleed the blood of Christ..
    Thank you thank you thank you! It’s going to take time, but I’m ready for this and all that comes along with it! ❤😢❤❤

  2. I didnt know what that meant i thought wedding vows promise, submit, love yiur enemies dint hate and forgiveness meant do it again and again.

  3. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢I just can’t even speak of it. It’s too heavy.

  4. I was resent my saved n forgiveness is what I’ve always struggled with so thank u for putting it in perspective for me 🙏🙏🙏💜💜

  5. Forgiving for ourselves, for our healing right? Though, do you have to TELL the person “I forgive you” or do you just say it to yourself? Like there’s no talking anymore between the two peolple, but there is a way to send an “I forgive you.” Do you do that or is this something you say to yourself?

  6. First let me just say God is so wonderfully great🥹. I’m sitting here watching this sermon. God has a way with me he sends me sermons when I need them this paged is catered to God communicating with me; as I’m watching this beautiful woman of God preach when she starts talking about the beach being her happy place; I’m like me too girl. Then something clicks I check and see what her name is & When I see it’s Lysa TerKeurst I’m like I think I have her devotion book & sure enough I do “You’re Going to Make it” wow 😮 God always puts the right people, places, & things on my path. Your book as been helpful I have yet to finish it because I get side tracked with my other devotional books; but I believe God is telling me to focus on yours in this season he has me in thank you ☺️ All praises to our Lord & Savior God bless you Miss Lysa 💕💕🥹

  7. So, if it’s siblings and a niece I have to forgive. Which watching this I know I will. Am I just supposed to keep talking to them and hanging out? They do not text but only on birthday and holidays. They want me to respond. I feel if you can’t talk all year then why do I have to say happy thanksgiving ? They do not accept accountability and want to blame others. I know I will never get an apology and that’s ok. I love them and I do not want any thing bad to happen. I’m just not close and never will be. I’m past the point of crying over it and I have not lost any sleep. I know forgiveness will just make me even better. I feel that one of them will call and I just want to know what say and if it’s ok I don’t talk to them? A lot of things have happened since I was 13 but 3 yrs ago it was the straw that broke the camels back and my sister feels I’m holding a grudge. I’m not. Like1 I said I kept trying to be optimistic over the years but nothing changed with her. Kept giving the benefit of the doubt but nothing. So after 3 yrs ago I was like I’m done and I will not tell her anything about my family or anything personal.

  8. But sometimes…some people think that Christian means that they can take a lawnmower to your heart; and you must forgive them; and they have to say I’m sorry for crud?!?! I experience it all the time in my life…it’s usually the older ones that do that..most lost…but sometimes a lot saved.

  9. I came to the place where that whatever my husband did to my by cheating and all his abuse. That was between him and God. Not between him and me. And I actually feel sorry for him. Because God says that he’ll fight my battle. What I pray to God for is that God will help him to be who He wants him to be. That’s all

  10. 2025 and im sick and tired of carrying hurt and bitterness. I want to drown in sermons and words of forgiveness this year. I know Jesus will help remove all of the bad that i harbour in my heart. I hope at the end of this year, I can look back and truly say God saved me from this bitterness, God did his thing in me. Please help me Lord 🙏

  11. I found no forgiveness for others until I first seen in myself, how much I needed to be forgiven for. Looking honestly at my own actions was my first step in finding forgiveness for others….. because it put us all on the same level.

  12. My Father says horibble things to mom, about her to us and for his family. We like prisoners. She married him for more than 50 years from beatings, injustice, humiliation and violation of rights, and she never said a bad word to him. We suffer and suffer every day and every moment, and we pray for him, but he never changes, and there is no end to our pain. Our holidays are closer to funerals. Please pray for us.

  13. You need a new pastor. Perhaps he didn’t know how to accept that information as he’s just a pastor and probably didn’t study properly for this type of thing. Lots of pastors are uneducated and just winging it. That was wrong though. I’m so sorry

  14. Indeed we can forgive but forgetting is something that will never happen in this lifetime. But GOD gives you that strength that you need in those moments of purging everything out. Like she said here, sometimes the person who hurt you has healing to do also from some past experiences. We should never feel like we’re to blame for their actions. Let GOD do his work in that person and in you. It hurts, healing is very painful but also very important for your journey through life, because we learn things and just remember that GOD is molding us into the person who he needs us to be, so while our flesh dies slowly our spiritual bodies grow stronger. ❤

  15. You don’t need a theologian and 1,000 hours. Get yourself the blu letter Bible app. Forgiveness is required or the Father turns us over to the tormentors…the words of Jesus.

  16. Thank YOU❣️
    I needed your words, your voice, your knowledge more than I ever realized…
    By God’s grace I landed here this morning.
    Thank You, Bright Beautiful Blessings Be, AMEN💕

  17. I have been through so much. But this video has helped me 😢.I know I need to forgive and this video has opened my eyes. Thank you ❤. I’m going through counseling and I’m going to share this video.

  18. I truly experienced Forgiveness The hurt caused by someone in 2022 it took me till 2025 to Realize when I seen this person I really Forgave the weight was lifted God validate I did forgive

  19. Sometimes I just wanna give up on them and life. But just when I’m about to give up on my life…I pray…pray about all things and situations..and not right away…but eventually I start to smile again.

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