Grace O'Malley | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #553

Grace O'Malley | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #553

Grace O’Malley is a comedian and podcaster originally from Boston, MA. She previously co-hosted the Barstool show “Plan Bri-Uncut”, and has a new podcast launching next month. You can also see her live on her “Down for Anything” tour happening now.

Grace O’Malley joins Theo to talk about growing up in Boston before heading to NYC for comedy, how she found herself as the co-host of one of Barstool’s most popular shows, why she’s going solo now, and what she’s got planned for her new podcast.

Grace O’Malley:

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Music: “Shine” by Bishop Gunn Bishop Gunn – Shine


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This Past Weekend
1906 Glen Echo Rd
PO Box #159359
Nashville, TN 37215


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Producer: Zach
Producer: Trevyn
Producer: Nick
Producer: Cam
Producer: Colin


  1. Their personalities compliment eachother beautifully. Great episode! Grace is absolutely adorable! Such great banter.I love her quick wit and honest humor.

  2. This woman is insufferable. When are people going to realize today that when you try so hard with slang and all this nonsense it comes off as cringeworthy. Good grief stop.

  3. This girl is really amazing. Both of yall deserve to have more confidence in yourselves. Especially you, Miss Grace. Youre awesome.

  4. what Theo said about finding comfort in people laughing because it feels like they can’t simultaneously hate you is sooooo real

  5. I hate how she felt she blew this. This was the first podcast in awhile I listened to from beginning to the end

  6. Whoa whoa whoa! Winnipeg July 20th?!?! I cant find tickets… not on sale yet or sold out? Either way… cya there pal!

  7. Knowing that Grace had crab legs in Nashville means she had to have gone to like Juicy Seafood and I am cackling thinking of that

  8. Im so sick of Theo begging me to buy his tour tickets. Have some GR self respect dude.

    Even more sick of him trying to get me addicted to gambling so he can line his pockets.

    Scumbag. He really sank so low.

  9. When i first saw Grace on TikTok I got so excited to start her and Bri’s podcast cuz she made me cryyyy laughing. I listened to the pod for maybe 5 minutes and was like never mind idk who this other lady is but she ruined it (it was Bri 😊)

  10. 1st time seeing her- I can see where she could be a phenomenal comedian and comendy podcaster… the (at times) Boston accent is awesome!!

  11. Grace has natural comedic quality. It takes forever to become good at stand up. She’s just starting. Theo had her on for a reason. She’s one of the few young comedians I’m excited about.

  12. It’s such a shame that the best people usually can’t see any of their great qualities that make them so lovable. And they don’t even know how much they are loved.

  13. Theo and Grace has great banter chemistry. There are some similarities in how they phrase funny things. Hope she does another episode. Really funny

  14. The dude act is just that, an act. She doesn’t have that yuck accent. She’s just a chick. But she feels like she needs to put on this act, just drop it. She can get a big weird dude if she does.

  15. One of the most privileged self-righteous interviews I’ve listened to. Imagine complaining about a quarter of a mill salary and stating “I didn’t make anything there” STFU 😂

  16. Dave Portnoy just came out and said that she made $250K in 2024 between her salary and other shared revenue…..She was on here talking about being paid "descent" making it seem like they were giving her 50K.

  17. at the exact point grace said “am i blowing this?” i was uncontrollably laughing at the punchline right before 🤣😭😭 never doubt yourself gracie boo

  18. It’s such a shame that the best people usually can’t see any of their great qualities that make them so lovable. And they don’t even know how much they are loved.

  19. Grace is gonna be a comedy star I can totally see her in movies. I’m really happy and excited for her ❤

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