How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu

How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu

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Adam Leipzig has overseen more than 25 movies as a producer, executive and distributor. and has produced more than 300 stage plays and live events, and he was one of the founders of the Los Angeles Theatre Center.

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  1. sorry to disagree here.. knowing your name is not knowing you. knowing you is knowing your creator be it God, evolution, explosion whatever you call it and then asking why that creator created you ? What you for $S might not be your main function

  2. La cosa es simple: si necesitas un propósito de vida, estás negándolo dentro de tí. Es simple. Sólo haz lo que disfrutas hacer. No mires tan lejos. Se hace camino al andar. La felicidad la encontramos debajo de una roquita en el camino. La encontramos en nuestros pasos, nuestra esperanza de un mundo mejor y en la sonrisa de quienes nos acompañan en nuestros sueños. La vida de obrero es segundaria.

  3. The things which will make me happy is travelling but I dont have enough money to travel…… I dont have an idea… Can anyone guide me with this situation to find purpose in my life..🙃

  4. i don;t think this work:
    1. who are you—xxx
    2. what do you do —-selling is helping?
    3. who you do is for—-customer
    4. what those people want and need—–lower price/best service
    5. how they change as a result—-they are happy.

  5. HE just assumes everyone already knows those first five things.. oversimplification of most of what he skims over.

    I learned NOTHING from this..

  6. My purpose to be a happy life… sometimes to be not happy… to eat nice food, to have fun with family and friends

  7. Don’t tell me I’m the only one that could only answer the first 2 questions
    Edit: I’m guessing its cus I’m a kid tho and idrk what getting good grades does for my teachers

  8. 1. Who you are? 
    2. What you do or love to do? 
    3. Who you do it for? 
    4. What those people want and need? 
    5. How do they change or transform as a result?

  9. I’ve been putting a lot of effort into sharing some meaningful content on my channel that emphasizes just how much control we have over our own lives. It’s crucial for all of us to understand the power we hold in shaping our own paths. 💪✨

  10. I couldn’t get passed the second step. I have nothing worth teaching. And have no skills to teach. Skills I have are basic and no one wishes to learn from someone like me.

  11. how a video named "How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes" last 10min, joke apart I knew more than 5 minutes are necessary here’s the proof 😂😂😂

  12. This is beautiful but also a lot for someone who over thinks. This shows to you that simplicity is not a bad thing.

    Every single time someone asks me, "What’s something you can teach?" It’s always the same answer for me, Its Art.

    The problem with that is that I don’t like doing art anymore, or it’s not inspiring to me anymore. So it was hard to even do it for myself.

    That’s why when he asked the question, "What do you love to do?" It was hard for me to answer until I just just decided.

    Okay, I dont like art. But I can teach somebody art.

    Sometimes, we just need to let go of what we feel inside. Especially if it’s something negative.

    If I don’t like doing something anymore, I don’t need to let that negative feeling take control.

    There’s people out therwhoat love what I do. There’s people I can make happy with something that I don’t like or love anymore, and I think that’s the only thing that matters really.

    Don’t overthink it. People don’t overthink it.

    Step to what you can do, if you know Something and if you can teach somebody something, do it.

    YouTube literally pays you to do stuff like this. There’s people who want something out of you, and you can give it to them, It can give you something in the long run.

    Well, I know it can give me feeling happy for the people who enjoy my art and for the people who I teach art two that they enjoy it.

    "I asked my mom the question when you are so good at something, but you don’t enjoy anymore. What do you do?"

    She said, "Do it for the people,"
    And that’s what I’m going to do.

  13. Awesome video ,thank you for looking out for the community, when you are young trying to establish a foundation this is the information needed to expand our knowledge and find whats truly meant to be ❤

  14. Adam, you’re an inspiration, and a genius! Thank you for giving my personal passions the proper perspective through the 5 steps.

  15. Life is already a purpose and we are here to fulfill that purpose.
    And, as a human being our very first purpose should be to live our life to the fullest. ❤🤗🙏

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