Pierre Poilievre responds to Trump threats with HUGE strength
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That’s a nice State flag with the maple leaf 🍁
Those flags will be replaced with the American flag shortly! Hopefully the woke will leave and the conservatives will stick around and enjoy the wealth.
that’s like junk mail
I hated JT and his sunny ways from day 1, but less so than Herr Harper. Poilievre is cut from the same mean spirited cloth as Harper. Carney is not perfect but is more palatable.
If the Conservatives win the next election, I expect them to reduce the Carbon tax and undo Trudeau’s Capital Gains tax increase. If they don’t then they are no different than the Liberals.
Canadian oil necessary for us. We got our own oil and you know we do.
no exceptions
What’s with all the clown makeup Poilievre has on? Is Victorian corpse photography making a comeback?
I lived on the US side of the border for 25 years. Love Canada and Pierre. Pierre knows that Trump is doing his art of the deal thing. Pierre’s a man and not a little bitch like Fidel Jr.
Hey man, excellent video!!
I love theat you ended this video with a nice catch phrase full Québecoise!! Merci mon tabarnak! Chu subscribé en esti!
we will always be a joke as long as we are under the Royal Family.
We pay that Family 60+million a year, and they do nothing for the country they are over yet alone for us. We r suckers.
We should also be using the US Dollar. It gets its strength threw use, So if we used it that would give the US more power against the bricks dollar. We r told that is our big threat in the world. Though the fed is run by false Jews, that call themselves Jews but are the synagogue of Satan.
I’m American and I pray you guys get this guy. I love his style.
Go to the US congress and talk to them too.
The United States and Provinces of North America.
Who’s this "broad" who is making all the threats? He keeps talking about threats from a broad. I bet she’s a feminist.
They’re all just like Trudeau. Like ive aways said, Trudeau isn’t the problem, he’s the symptom of a deep rooted mind virus
Why are you off from? What’s gonna happen here in America with that energy well I drill you any day drill baby drill
If Pierre wins, unfortunately he will only be in for 4 years, because Trudeau left Canada in such bad shape, he won’t be able to fix it before the next election. Then the stupid easterners will vote the Liberals back in, and they will finish destroying Canada within 4 years.
Gets tough with Trump? To much Maple syrup has rotted the brain
I feel like Trump said what he said to help promote Canada’s current direction. I don’t think there was any hostility intended. There would be too much to impose onto Canadian living that Canadians wouldn’t want. Even as an American, I see it as an advantage only for the US. But you don’t get anywhere with tools like Trudeau unless you talk a hard game.
It’s not with in his control till he has the pull to do what he proposes, for Canada 🇨🇦😉
Canada makes it difficult to build businesses in this country, just ask Elon Musk who came to Canada 🇨🇦 first before going to the State’s to get were he is today..
How do you make a factory that can create anything by design.
Trump said to Canada, "Control your border or I will implement 25% tariffs". He didn’t just say "I will implement 25% tariffs". All Canadian politicians are ignoring his actual comment and worrying about the 25% tariffs. But Canadian politicians have an option: they can control the border. Unfortunately, they don’t want to.
Play french with english subtitles just like how the Japanese do it.
WE R NOT AN INDEPENDENT COUNTRY!!!! We pay 60+million to the royal FAMILY. for nothing. We r a stupid country, voted Justin in 2ice.Let our government take our guns, then tell us if someone is killing you and you can get to a gun you will go to jail. Let the criminals finish, maybe a cop will show up be4 your dead. We needed a revolt years ago. Then we have 3 different sets of rules Native rules French rules then lastly Canadian rules. We r a joke
This sounds much better than Bill Gates’s plan for data centers. However, we don’t want any more H-1B visas. We have our own high-tech workers. Let’s partner, but Trump has to get through his Inauguration safely in a week.
Pierre beter do a good job convincing canadians that it is in fact a country. from here it looks like a few cia/wef families and a whole bunch of their kids running a slave state. i think canada will be going full nazi in a few years, joining up with the us states that ceced. mass, ny and Illinois for sure. they will dispense with this pierre guy soon enough.
Oh Canada! Where’s my Money!? -USA
Trump likes Pierre and will work with him. The whole own Canada things is just a ploy, so wake up everyone. Things get better in the states and they will in Canada.
With Poilievre, you’ll get the same Trumpist garbage for Canada which is your own fascist fiefdom and looting by the ultra-rich.
Pierre please remove Canada from the WEF. It is treason.
I don’t live in Canada and even I hate Justin T.
Canada is worthless on its own and its only tradition left is hating America well simultaneously relying on the USA for literally everything we should just take the land you all will bend over anyway just like you did for the liberals lmao
That opening clip literally made me vomit. I realize that wasn’t really him, the vomit came from whoever that really was. We all know most French Canadian ‘men’ are a bit light in the loafers
Elizabeth mays response so much clarity.. go cascadia Canada
Canadian oil necessary for us. We got our own oil and you know we do. I just wish you’d leave your flag in your country when you come to my country to work and drink my bars and camp out in my campgrounds because it’s too expensive to do anything in your country.
Play the French parts. You guys couldn’t take some horns beeping.
Soros grand plan
And what is he going to do about all the problems he is complaining about. I hear no ideas, just complaints.
I’m voting for this guy. He better be more then words… WE NEED MASS DEPORTATIONS, AND NEED THEM NOW!!
Love your channel my fellow pleb ❤❣🇦🇺🇨🇦🍁
Finally, gloves off…Pierre has subtly hinted that it’s go time…without saying it outright! He is talking we go to revolution if we don’t get an election immediately.
And be more self reliance, looking at Icelandic countries like Denmark, Green Land, Norway and Sweden on how they put their country first.
He dances like a witch doctor
Pierre Poilievre %100 yes
Better ask Pierre about getting out of the Declaration of North America agreement of January 10th , 2023.
Signed by 3 Globalist P.O.S. Trudope, Biden and Lopez
I believe I
Pierre is the greatest man for Canada and Canadians
Can you imagine if Trudu and Harris ran the show . Pierre brings pride in Canada like Trump does for us.
"The answer is to stop being stupid." AS wise as Benjamin Franklin.