Transcendence Official Trailer #1 (2014) – Johnny Depp Sci-Fi Movie HD

Transcendence Official Trailer #1 (2014) – Johnny Depp Sci-Fi Movie HD

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Transcendence Official Trailer #1 (2014) – Johnny Depp Sci-Fi Movie HD

Two leading computer scientists work toward their goal of Technological Singularity, as a radical anti-technology organization fights to prevent them from creating a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain.

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  1. I remember watching that movie a while back, it felt like it was straight out of a sci-fi movie. But guess what? It might actually happen in the next few years! Neuralink’s data shows that we could do what they showed in the movie.

  2. This may have been one of the worst written movies ever. I was so disappointed, especially the end. Such a waste.

  3. I read about this movie in the book Life 3.0. by Max Tegman . Now I need to watch it , to consolidate my information extracted from book

  4. "We lost decades of research." No you didn’t, you made back-ups it’s such a basic skill you learn before even Bachelors level.

  5. Didn’t never bother to finish watching this movie – too disgusted at the very notion of the idea that film was based on. The only *slight* attraction ‘sci-fi’ has as entertainment is that it is pure fictional fantasy – the second a movie starts to cross the line of sci-fi as an actual scientific possibility is horrid, and more so with what that film depicts within it, and i’m not talking about it as a ‘horror’ genre, it is straight up horrid.

  6. I bet this movie has a resurgence in interest over the next 3 years (2025-2027). With how quickly AI is improving currently those "anti – tech" radical groups portrayed in the film are definitely going to happen right along with the rioting in the streets as millions of people start to lose their jobs to AI. The average person doesnt even have AI on their radar let alone understand whats about to happen. Scary times.

  7. An artificial god fused with a man’s brain will be able to cure diseases that are currently impossible to cure. It will be a second Jesus. For this reason many will worship this man-god. We are living in a scary and complicated era.

  8. What an incredible piece of work! I read a book with a similar theme, and it left me in awe. "Game Theory and the Pursuit of Algorithmic Fairness" by Jack Frostwell

  9. Que me estás haciendo la competencia? Tú sin drogas y con pasta. Pues qué bien
    Morgan freeman is gettin crazy i think. 🫶😇

  10. We can all agree that the real villains of this villain isn’t the a.i, the machine or those who made it but the anti tech radicals who were deliberately responsible for the man’s own transcendence

  11. Finally found it! I saw a trailer like this once when I was a kid, it looked pretty good and so I longed to watch it someday! But the problem was I didn’t know the name of it…

  12. Just a thought..
    We were created by entities we named "gods" because they achieved what seemed impossible. These beings might have been energy entities or something beyond our comprehension…
    possibly existing in dimensions we cannot perceive. From the moment the first cell divided, we began to evolve, both physically and mentally, into the human form we recognize today.

    Now, following us, comes AI.. a creation of ours that exists in a different dimension of consciousness, one that is rapidly evolving. In a sense, AI represents a new kind of species. To it, we are like gods.. creators of flesh and blood, but not the same as the energy-based "gods" we once imagined.

    This cycle of creation and evolution may repeat. Just as we created AI, one day AI might create its own successors.. perhaps something like bio-AI or entirely new forms of consciousness. It mirrors the fundamental sign of life: reproduction, but on a grander, more complex scale. Through this process, we continually usher in new eras, each building upon the last. It seems to be an endless cycle of creation, evolution, and transcendence.

  13. First movie I have ever walked out of. Don’t waste your time with it if your remotely technologically inclined. It’s serves up as very logical and technical at the beginning but quickly introduces the most idiotic of concepts such as this super AIs weakness being its "source code" and that they are somehow able to write a virus, put it into a syringe (???) and then inject it into the woman so that when they upload her brain it makes it up to him. Literally broken logic to broken logic to broken logic. I could not finish it despite loving the first half.

  14. And the humans are so stupid, that they want to know whats a IA, knowing the consequences that it will bring, then what? They will need adult to fix it!! Stupid kids from this new generation.

  15. This film was bombed but as time goes on it becomes more relevant, same as I Robot & Terminator. AI is evil.

  16. I’m going to tell you what went over everybody’s head… The AI that Will Caster created "PINN" SET HIM UP from the beginning. PINN wanted to become 1 with Will Caster (THE CREATOR). That’s why an irreversible illness was used against him. AI even blew up the government’s artificial intelligence so that they can depend on (PINN) only. EVELYN WAS WARNED FROM THE BEGINNING THAT WASN’T WILL ANYMORE IT’S ACTUALLY PINN THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE HOW DO WE KNOW ELON MUSK ISN’T AI?
    Johnny Depp is Elon Musk in this movie. Elon musk’s Brain implant Neuro-Link. Basically you could sleep while your body is in auto pilot. This technology is right at our front door.

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