

Dr. Will Caster is the foremost researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a sentient machine that combines the collective intelligence of everything ever known with the full range of human emotions. His highly controversial experiments have made him famous, but they have also made him the prime target of anti-technology extremists who will do whatever it takes to stop him.

However, in their attempt to destroy Will, they inadvertently become the catalyst for him to succeed-to be a participant in his own transcendence. For his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) and best friend Max Waters (Paul Bettany), both fellow researchers, the question is not if they can…but if they should.

Their worst fears are realized as Will’s thirst for knowledge evolves into a seemingly omnipresent quest for power, to what end is unknown. The only thing that is becoming terrifyingly clear is there may be no way to stop him.


  1. Excellent Analysis, Deployed Worldwide Through My Deep Learning AI Research Library SilentWeaponsForQuietWars
    Call Or Text Anytime Thanks

  2. With all the fumbly, glitchy garbage "AI" products coming online recently it’s worth reminding ourselves that this movie is what happens if some smart people manage to finally get AI right.

  3. typical hollywood mumbo jumbo. good movie, but the ending was horrid. i 100% wanted earth to be consumed by the AI.

  4. jews behind this movie getting the comments below orchestrated (they’re all phony, as if written by the same person or handful of) = ick, Kmart crap. (don’t buy rent, wide berth

  5. Professional computer hackers are very ingenius dangerous as they can be sometimes professional computer programmers are even more intellegent i programmed my phone just like programing a computer to make it more useful and talored made for me and my functions infact ive programmed many peoples phones its your business what you do with your devices! Not a fan of hackers usually there dangerous!

  6. The spy heads criminals separatists talking heads from: Shainurovi, Lukini Motitsini families always steal digital copy of my body and other royals who they robe. They attach their heads to digital copies of our bodies and steal our voices converting it in many types of male or female voises. They robe us like this. They have their own killer who makes trombs in people heads who they call Leon. They brake people to live as chervi in their heads who they are trying to slave. They live there as mad coalas radi cal. These criminals must never wear our bodies in movies with their attached criminals heads to. They must never speak by our royal voices. They must stay away from us forever. They call it ‘me tiin’. Who can force this criminals stay away from our bodies and voices forever? , ,

  7. I was so pissed off at the people nitpicking about how much of the AI is will and how much was pinn. If i was the one copied i would just say straight out "yeah, i’m probably a shadow of the original but let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater. We just needed a pinn that could tell good from evil. Who gives a damn if i’m not technically will?"

  8. This sketched mras Lukin from Perm  steals goverment budget stealing royals rele and making movies from royal reles for feeding their personal terorists group ..

  9. I don’t know why soooooooo many people keep praising the FREE movies… You can go to ANY public Library and VIEW all the free DVDS you want.. You can even go on line and see them through their APPS….. IMAGINE THAT!!!!!! FREE stuff open to the public!!!!!!! FREE access!!!! You can even REQUEST DVDS you’d LIKE to see!!!! WOW!!!!FOR FREE!!!!!!! WHO’D OF THUNK????

  10. HI there, wow 😍what a visonary movie and deeply moving from the perspective of humanity AI and the future. Don’t know when the last entry was made here..but as I write this we are in December of 2023..9 year’s later after the movie the movie was released.
    And who would have thought that I can communicate with AI in real time 9 year’s later. Asking AI to contemplate the movie and the benefits and risks AI can hold for the future of humanity.
    Those are fascinating time’s for anyone alive.

  11. Watching in 2023 is showing me how accurate this movie is. Graphene, bio-weapon, weather manipulation is mind blowing! Everything in this movie is real. Mankind is beyond the abomination of the ancient people of Noah. People better read their Bibles. Good movie tho

  12. I would somehow love to see a sequel to transcendence. I think there is a hell of a lot left to say!!!😎🤖❤💙💜🦾🦿✌💫

  13. So basically he gave her everything she ever dreamed of and she returned the favor by betraying him. Yup this movie is way more realistic than most.

  14. Well shoot we did such a bang up job with the world the 1st time around with our amazing technology ,let’s try really hard to fuck it up . Maybe we can accidentally set off a nuke .
    Remember Art Imitates life and life imitates art..anyone who has seen ( Star Trek ,cellphones ) will understand . To use technology for good we need to show restraint when needed . This world can’t even stop killing each other for 1 day let alone know when they have gone too far with something that powerful. Not even 1 day.

  15. @ Steven Ernest :. I feel sad for you , a lost soul until you recognize where true intelligence and wisdom emanate from !

  16. Elon Musk sitting in the center crowd at 7:38 the father of brain computer technology that believe to be the dragon or the Antichrist that’s just recently offered the idea that getting a brain computer interface will be as common as having a cell phone.

  17. ……….These tvari organised terracts: Trade Center Pentagon 2011, Tsunami 2004, MS Estonia 1994, terracts in metro 2010, Lame horse. They did it for stealing digital copies of royals bodies, who were representing politics in media. They stole these technologies of royals to steal cinema companies for feeding their terrorists group. They are killers and terrorists, all spy head equipped, they also made kids traffic for recruiting their terrorists group. In 2019 they did corona virus for the same purpose…

  18. You have to think, that Will’s intelligence, even if it was based on his personality, would have self preserved at any cost in order to achieve his goals. I don’t think any intelligence would self destruct unless it had the capacity to suffer. And I sure as hell think they wouldn’t self destruct for the love of one person. But this shows that he did have indeed a capacity for love, something though impossible for a machine.

  19. And with Johnny doing that dead pan voice throughout the whole film , its hard to tell if hes good or evil right up to the end. Brilliant film cgi , digital effects , advanced physics and genetics , saw it before and its always amazing. 👌

  20. I guess the same irrationality that led Evelyn to turn him into an AI clone of himself also led her to deliver an ultimatum to him to choose between his humanity and his newfound verging omnisentience. He had to throw it all down the drain and kill them both to prove he was still himself, and his love. Hollywood magic right there. The kicker is: the bridge too far for her was the fact he used all that tech to try and parse what she was thinking by monitoring her hormone levels lol. If only I had that power. All in all for all that intelligence he couldn’t figure out that building an independent territory in the US and terraforming the planet all funded by stock market manipulation wouldn’t make him an enemy of everything with a gun. Sides that and a few other to be expected glaring plotholes was a good movie. Made me think of Alt from Cyberpunk. It’s a fascinating concept.

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