A voice was heard in Ramah, Rachel, weeping for her children.

Full book:
Part 1:
Handwritten by candlelight on a remote island in Alaska in the 1990’s, this is a video adaptation of the 2nd edition for 2024. The book brings the reader through landscapes of despair, addiction, nihilism and suicide to a place of hope and redemption that is found in “the last true rebellion”, that is, taking a stand against the world and all it’s emptiness; living a God centered life that leads to inner healing and resurrection.

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Written by Justin Marler
Video edits by:
3D Animations by:
Aditya Parmar
Hosted by:

Thank you to those who sent in readings for the Beatitudes;
Reader Justus, Trenton D, Zion, Nicholas G, Zoya, David, Mariam, Celeste, Pike, Alex, Levbus117 & the anons



  1. May IT feel Like Infinite sufferring and agony…WE know itll Not be forever ….i pray. Tribvtes from Germany

  2. Reminds me of listening to An American prayer by Jim Morrison minus the profanity ❤ love this channel glad I chose to click on i

  3. Until a rebellion is rooted in truth, it will not be successful in conquering the world that oppresses us. Amen. Such a great video. God bless whom ever made this

  4. @16:07 I love this video and the use of this quote in the exposition, but I know there is a legitimate debate about the Einstein letter’s authenticity

  5. I thought the guy in the thumbnail was my great great uncle, Rasputin. He was a monk? Wait, Rasputin wasn’t a monk originally but then turned evil, was he?

  6. Johnny Cash sang also
    Don’t go near the water because the water isn’t water anymore. When his kid asked if he could eat the fish they’d caught. 😢miss U Mr Cash and I’m sure you’re in heaven and I hope one day I’ll be there too, but if not I’ll still love Jesus of Nazareth and I’m sorry Lord I can’t do this on my own. I know wat those dreams mean now where nobody is driving my car anymore and it doesn’t matter because I gave U the wheel. Strange how bang that’s why I’m dreaming that . U have said I’m in control even though nobody else is driving U got me ❤🙏🇭🇲

  7. Nietzsche wasn’t on board with nihilism, or the idea that "God is dead". He lamented the death of God, and the state of nihilism, that the nihilism was a means to the end of ascending above it, of apathy, of meaninglessness. Nietzsche has, in very recent years, had a resurgence along with Karl Jung, and have brought many people closer to God, away from the evils in the world, society, and the self.

  8. i just came across this channel. it’s a blessing for the whole community that there is a video creator like you on this platform. i wanna say thank you and thank the Lord for your service and dedication. 🤍 big love

  9. I am not a Christian, but I really appreciate this video. I think even those who follow other paths can gain something from this video. Let us all find our way to the creator and unlock the powers of divine love and light.

  10. Religion means to bind up christ warned you of this in mark 3:26-27
    Religion means to bind up, how must you rob a strong man unless you bind him first!

    Go to christ not man many will be decieved christ didnt come to stat a new religion

    Proverbs 4:5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.

    John14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

    Jhn 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

    Jhn 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
    John14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

    Jhn 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

    Jhn 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you

  11. I’m new here, just happened to the searching YouTube. I feel there is so much mysticism in this video. Thank you for making this! I’m not a subby.

  12. The apocalypse will destroy not the physical world, neither the totality of its culture.

    The simple moral system holds that "this man is good", and for some, that "this man is bad".

    The complex one holds that "this thing is good", and the truth of the corresponding "this thing is bad" is one Isaac Newton away from being uncovered by the scientific establishment.

    The thing which will die will be Modernity, not even its inventions or its ideas, but only its trajectory.

    We will experience what we need to experience to break free of our false Enlightenment, and only God knows exactly what that will be. But anyone whose world reaches further back than that will be safe to sit back and watch the fireworks.

  13. Romans 1:16-17 The way to find yourself, is to find your standing in Christ… and the glorious relationship he offers.

  14. Its weird, I felt nihilistic today, and after opening YouTube, this video was the first video on my home page !

  15. Your videos are truly edifying brother. Done with such reverence that any discussion of our Lord requires, God bless you.

  16. The Holy Spirit is moving me towards a monastic life. Please pray for me, so I have the strength to continue my path to future crucifixition.

  17. Is it just me or this is shadow banned? Can’t share link on an iphone. I wonder why.

    Amazing work! Well done! Most meaningful!

    Do Philokalia next.

  18. What an excellent series of videos I’ve just subscribed to. I’ve been on a journey of faith since a conversion experience several years ago. After a lot of prayer and reflection I found my way to Orthodoxy. I’ve yet to be baptized but am talking with a priest about making it happen 🙏

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