What is Compassion?

What is Compassion?

What is compassion? We’ll look at what compassion means and examples you might notice it in your own life. Free Download pdf Quick Guide to Professional Communication Skills: https://www.alexanderlyon.com/

All the videos in the series:
What is Compassion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51dm6ePZOm8
Compassionate Leadership: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siov-yCJzxk
Compassionate Communication: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46bRW1pYgoY
Compassion in the Workplace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfBtVCAiz9k&t=159s


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  1. I think I developed more compassion as I got older as much as I want to help people it’s very hard to trust people and assume they will not take advantage of your kindness

  2. I like it when you say that compassion is to think about the other person needs. While sympathy is to feel what other person feels by putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes. Thank you.

  3. Sir and friends
    Compassion is through my eyes, the :perspective of Knowing that it is your actions so NOT your REACTIONS that form your perception of reality

  4. Before the creator put all into action, he gave one rule to every single angel. Accordingly, they (any angel of status quo) were instructed to not bother the Good Heavenly God Lord our Father’s creations. For an arch angel to "claim" that our father said something or gave this angel (regardless, of status quo), in truth is a challenge to "Compassion," of the Holiest Lord God Almighty Father of all that is seen and unseen.

  5. I have to write an essay about compassion and what it means by not giving a textbook definition. Needless to say, your video has helped me understand compassion in a new light, thank you!

  6. I think Compassion is extremely lacked in today’s society and I think this is a great point to make when talking to other people. I think the kids and pets example was great because most everyone can relate to both of those examples.

  7. Compassion is emotional empathy. Understanding is rational empathy. Empathy is relation feel. Feel is visceral impression.
    Współczucie jest emocjonalną empatią. Zrozumienie jest racjonalną empatią. Empatia is czuciem relacji. Czucie jest wrażeniem wisceralnym.

  8. One thing about compassion is a gift that the good Lord God Our Holy Father of heaven, and it is easy to ser from two different ideologies. 1. Why did not God destroy the evilness of Lucifer, for the power of Creation is not destroying ones creations. 2. We as humans say, " Do not take my kindness as a sign of weakness!"

  9. Yes, I needed to understand the meaning of the word more fully, and you did an excellent job of explaining that, I believe I have compassion, I tear up at the smallest sad thing, BUT I am very eager to alleviate another’s hurts, however, sometimes I feel I’m too OVER THE TOP, and I feel as if others may interpret my actions as controlling….Thank you sir..:)) Shalom.

  10. My dog is a senior (17 yo). He can no longer go up and down stairs, doesn’t bark, partially deaf and blind, and has dementia. We carry him out 4-5 times a day down stairs to allow him outside to pee/poo. It’s taxing and we can no longer leave him alone without him getting stuck somewhere for hours but I feel such a strong pull towards giving him the best end of life care and love. He served me for so long through so many of my milestones. I want to give that back so we cart him around in a stroller and he travels with us everywhere which means we can only travel by car… I haven’t been on a plane in years.

  11. Sir good evening
    Kindly find my granddaughter’s sponsor for her studies she don’t have father thank you so much

  12. I searched compassionate men in YouTube and it was just a bunch of men bashing women lol wtf. This is the first relevant video.

  13. I think I learned this best in my church. I believe Jesus teaches us best about this. I wasn’t great at this when i was in active drug addiction. Now in sobriety, and through a lot of hard work I’m doing pretty good learning to become better. Thank you! This stuff is helping me through this rough patch of life and is making me become a better person. I am happy to follow you till I’m ready to lead on my own.

  14. I haven’t really thought about compassion but this video helped and took notice of it. So this was very helpful to keep in mind and I liked the example you gave of the dog.

  15. People who who humiliate me and then do something nice to me afterwards aren’t what I’m looking for. I want people who who humiliate me to admit that I don’t want them or anything they have to offer and I just want them punished. Someone’s mean to me I hit them in the face boom done it’s over. Then they leave me alone. Nothing crazy I’m so reasonable. If someone loved me they would be able to let me go if they hurt me. They would admit that they wronged me and turn away because I want them to. People wrong me then force help on me amd I hate it they don’t give me what I want. They don’t even ask if I want their help they don’t care about what I want. I only want people in my life who are nice to me in the first place. Something is obsessed with judging me and its rude

  16. How do you treat people and other living entities who can do nothing for you in return? A truly kind and compassionate person will not want anything in return from others. Their happiness is in pleasing the Supreme Lord, not in being praised or acknowledged. If we are given some praise or gift, we can immediately give thanks to the Supreme Lord.

  17. I realized I’m not compassionate but I’m very empathetic, deff have to work on being more compassionate

    The world at large has never lacked compassion & empathy more than now when society needs it the most & the instances in which it’s ever shown is when its people from the same tribe.

    It’s humanity 101

  19. Its a concept that is way beyond the reach or intellect of truly disgusting, horrible, nasty and mean fucking aliens…

  20. As well as i am concerned, the individuals who has compassion to environment they are environmentally friendly , could you check please.

  21. One thing about compassion is a gift that is of the Good Lord God Our Holy Father of Heaven whose only begotten is Jesus Christ and it is easy to see from two different ideologies. 1. Why did not God destroy the evilness of Lucifer: From the power of "Creation" is not destroying one’s creations. 2. We as humans say, " Do not take my kindness as a sign of weakness!"

  22. Before the creator put all into action, he gave one rule to every single angel. Accordingly, they (any angel of status quo) was instructed to not bother the Good Heavenly God Lord our Father’s creations. For an arch angel to "claim" that our father said something or gave this angel (regardless, of status quo), in truth is a challenge to "Compassion," of the Holiest Lord God Almighty Father of all that is seen and unseen.

  23. To me ,pets (dogs )are more then ownership ,they too have sacrificed for us . Thank you for reminding us a great example of the word compassion .

  24. I have compassion for homeless people and stray dogs. I feel sorry for them, for not having a home to live in and for their hunger

  25. Thank u… I’m a pet mom to three beautiful fur babies. And compassion is something that I resonate with now more at a deeper level.

  26. I suffer with compassion. It hurts so much and at times it’s hurt for days. Some times it’s so strong I can’t shake it off for many days. I’ve hurt for others at times where my whole body hurt. All I could do is lay in bed in agony tossing n turning uncomfortably with thoughts of the person suffering flash back and forth in my mind. This lady was beat and stomped in the head in a ally behind a bar on a cold and icy night she was raped and left naked and barely hanging on to life. That story sent me into a deep state of compassion where I was in tremendous pain for her. I couldn’t stop thinking about what her final thoughts laying there was. Was she scared did she feel the cold ? Did she think this is it for me I’m hurt bad??? Another example was a two year old who was raped and strangled. It hurt so bad. I was unable to even walk because my legs were so weak. I kept wondering if she called out for her mom or daddy was she scared? Did she cry and not understand why he was hurting her. Did she feel all the pain.

  27. I am also working to this process with my own family. It’s been really hard for my kids after the divorce and I am endeavoring to work through my compassion centers to help them. I shared your video on my personal page and I want to thank you for helping people in this area. There is a great need for compassion in the world right now

  28. True Compassion is an unconditional Virtue of unconditional Love that is exhibited by the Saved/Enlightened/Mystic;
    Anyone can be ‘Saved/Enlightened’!;

    "Born again" into the state of Unconditional Love = Salvation = Enlightenment = Heaven = Immortality = One with God!
    "Heaven is at hand!" – Jesus
    Here! Now!
    Anything else is Hell! Here! Now!

    Unconditional Love is ALWAYS Known by It’s Unconditional Virtues;
    Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (Charity is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith…

    "I and the Father are One!"
    "As I Am so can you be!"
    "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." -John 15:5
    One with Christ = One with God!

    "What a man loves, he is. If he loves a stone he is that stone, if he loves a person he is that person, if he loves God – nay, I durst not say more; were I to say, he is God, he might stone me. I do but teach you the scriptures." – Meister Eckhart

    It is the LIFE of the truly Saved displaying the Virtues of Unconditional Love that is the gospel, the Light in the darkness!

    “Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi

  29. I love to work in the humanitarian and helping other people but people around me always say to me go make money instead of this you will live sad. I always say to them happiness is when you give is not when you earn.

  30. Before the creator put all into action, he gave one rule to every single angel. Accordingly, they (any angel of status quo) were instructed to not bother the Good Heavenly God Lord our Father’s creations. For an arch angel to "claim" that our father said something or gave this angel (regardless, of status quo), in truth is a challenge to "Compassion," of the Holiest Lord God Almighty Father of all that is seen and unseen.

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