What's inside the Statue of Liberty?

What's inside the Statue of Liberty?

Come see inside of the Statue of Liberty! There is an amazing structure on the inside.

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Big thanks to @ActionKid – his video was extremely helpful in making my animation:
https://youtu.be/GX5r-hhoF30 – Walking Tour of the Statue of Liberty

1:37-History and Facts
5:48-Tour Outside
7:17-Tour Inside Pedestal
8:40-Tour Inside Statue

💻Follow me on social media:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JaredOwenAnimations
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/JaredOwenAnimations
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Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jaredowenanimations

🌐Internet Sources:
https://youtu.be/GX5r-hhoF30 – Walking Tour of the Statue of Liberty (ActionKid)
https://youtu.be/usHRc7G0gVo – The Statue of Liberty for Kids (FreeSchool)
https://youtu.be/9QM0tipFQ9c – The Statue of Liberty: Building an Icon (The B1M)

Overview + History


📖Book Sources:
The Statue of Liberty: The Monumental Dream by Diane Von Furstenberg https://amzn.to/3zTXYYD
Statue of Liberty: A Tale of Two Countries by Elizabether Mann https://amzn.to/3xGrL52
The Statue of Liberty Encyclopedia by Barry Moreno https://amzn.to/35Iku8I
Liberty’s Torch by Elizabeth Mitchell https://amzn.to/3xCorry

“Lavender” By Cody Martin (Soundstripe.com)
“Banana Split” By Brasko (Soundstripe.com)

🟠This animation was made with Blender 2.92 (Cycles Render)

⚙The 3D model of the Statue of Liberty was purchased for this video:

🎧Here is some of the gear that I use for animation:
Graphics Card: GTX 1080ti https://amzn.to/3gVoM1J
CPU: i7-8700k https://amzn.to/2TWgbnw
Motherboard: Asus Prim Z370-A https://amzn.to/2t4EVth​​
Microphone: Samson Go Mic https://amzn.to/3vPFXqM
Mouse: Logitech G600 https://amzn.to/3gTqCSd
Chair: Staples Gaming Chair https://amzn.to/31hNgKS

📼Video Summary:
The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in New York City. It was a gift from the people of France in the year 1886. The tablet in her right hand is the declaration of independence. The statue was designed by Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi using a method called Repoussé. This involved making a life size plaster model first and then hammer copper sheets around it. The support structure was designed by Gustave Eiffel – the same person that helped build the Eiffel tower in Paris, France. The statue was built in Paris, France and then shipped across the ocean in 350 pieces. You can go inside the pedestal and climb the stairs, then if you have a ticket, you can climb the spiral staircase to get to the very top – The Crown. There’s an emergency elevator inside just incase anything goes wrong. At one point they did allow the public into the torch but this stopped in the year 1916.

#b3d #statueofliberty #architecture


  1. هذا التمثال عرض على مصر اولا بمناسبة افتتاح قناة السويس
    ورفضته لارتفاع التكلفة التى كانت ستتحملها الحكومة المصرية انذاك

  2. Hörmetli Jared Owen,siz,bu azadliq statuinin qurulma pulunun Osmanli dövlətı tərəfındən ödəndıyını bılırsınızmı ?

  3. Kiedys swiat zachodni byl faktycznie wzorem wolnosci teraz przeksztalca sie leci na leb na szyje w kazdej mozliwej odslonie. Pamietam w Polsce czasy przed rokiem 1989 kiedy ktos przyjechal z USA to stac go bylo wykupic polowe miasta baseny kapielowe rozne restaracje wszystko wykupil w nadbrzeznej czesci miasta .Teraz co moze zafundowac nam zachod to pseudozaraze ciekawe tak nawiasem mowic czy ktos sledzi losy wszystkich kowidosow wiem ze byl jakis wzrost smiertelnosci

  4. Akward fact: due to a centuries long dispute over the Hudson, the statue is in new york, but the gift shop is in new jersey!

  5. The crown is not, in fact, a great way to view the harbor. The windows are tiny, dirty on the outside, and you only get a few seconds to squint through them. It is, 0%, worth the time and hassle. Just get a Pedestal ticket, with much better views, and then take your time on Ellis Island, which is a lot more interesting.

  6. I’m sure that the Statue of Liberty 🗽 museum was part from what Donald Trump did during his first four years in office as president

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